Friday, December 09, 2016

Morning in Trump's America: Victory Laps, Protest Bans and A Reading List

Welcome to the Trump reality.  Our Dear Leader-Elect is running victory laps!  That is an unprecedented development in the land of the brave and the free (sic), but it is the truth, nevertheless.  Trump loved the adulation of his campaign rallies so much that he's just going to continue them.

And because he loves adulation and detests criticism, this is happening:

Plans for several large protests in Washington, D.C. the weeks before, during, and after the inauguration will have to be canceled or moved out of historically important parts of the city. The Presidential Inauguration Committee which Donald Trump now controls, has effectively arranged to ban protests and large gatherings in key and historically important demonstration areas in the nation's capital.
In a reportedly unprecedented move, the Presidential Inauguration Committee, via the National Park Service, last year, before Trump was the nominee, filed for and received permits shutting down areas like the National Mall, which is the site of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech and the culmination of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Also closed off will be surrounding areas of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial.

All that applies to the Women's March, planned for the day after inauguration.
Dictators do not care for demonstrations, and I'm beginning to fear that Trump aspires to dictatorship.

Should that turn out to be the case*, here are some useful things to read:

Why scientists worry about Trump

We are back to the world where making trains run on time is all that matters

Masha Gessen's advice:  How to fight a dictatorship

A 20-point guide to defending democracy

Deep thoughts about the meaning of this election

In which everything mattered

* I am not saying that it will be the case.  But it's extremely important to resist every move aimed at destroying democracy, even if the future turns out to be just the more familiar crony corrupt capitalism administration where friends of Trump loot the government coffers and the one percent gets "tax relief" which is taken away from the frail elderly.